Sunday, 30 November 2014
Claudia back on Strictly - fast forward her bits
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
BBC wastes Taxpayers money
I don't know how in 21st Century Britain it is allowed that an organisation that answers to no one collects over £3.7billion in taxpayers money and spends it on "ENTERTAINMENT"?
If it was your local Council they would have to answer to the voters. Councils are being squeezed dry yet the BBC can spend all this money on the Likes of Jeremy Clarkson upsetting the Argentinians. Nothing happens.
I don't have any feelings for the Argentinians but i do object to the BBC sending Clarkson over there to upset them. Perhaps second thoughts it was a good idea but only if he STAYED there.
Any way if you agree write to your MP and demand that the Government sells off the BBC.
£3billion pounds is 3% of what the NHS spends and they could do with more money, what would you Rather have, you r cancer treatment or Eastenders? I know I might not get the answer I want but then some folk don't agree with me,
So be it.
Privatise the BBC. Stop this waste. Look at all those screens on behind the news readers no one there, if you Council did that they'd soon get sorted out.
More evidence today to support my stance. THey say that they are "saving money". I know a way to save over £3billion....... Privatise the BBC!
Monday, 24 November 2014
Anyone noticed these SuperSize BT Cabinets appearing?
Bad for the visually impaired or buggy/wheelchair users. How do they get away with it? Obstructing the pavements? If shopkeepers put signs out they get told off by Councils for blocking the pavements - one rule for one.........
The old cabinets were slim and discreet not these ones on STEROIDS.
Can't they find "off road" places to put them there's enough street furniture to negotiate.
Edge of Tomorrow
Edge of Tomorrow, 2014, Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt. Groundhog day meets Alien and Terminator.
Bit of a confusing start but gets better. I rate it not one of Toms
best films. As a sci-fi action is Ok. Rate It 3/5. If you've nothing better to watch - entertaining .
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Strictly - Claudia Back
Zoe you were lovely.
Friday, 21 November 2014
Joke?New Sign Unsuitable for HGV
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Fuss over too English school
Taking a trip say to Bradford school for a day would be a shock to their systems poor mites and actually probably;y do more harm than good. A school of black children in funny clothes with strange language and smells would be more like visiting a zoo for the children and not let them experience these people properly as equals.
Here in deepest Lincolnshire its like stepping back 50 years. It was a shock to my system when I first came here. They are very insular. Any "outsiders" are treated with caution. Its taken 10 years but I think they accept me as an incomer - I'll never be a yellow belly but they make jokes with me not at me now about "yorkies" (the tourists from Sheffield etc).
The problem here is the culture. They have this "slagging off" banter, but its not offensive, at least not meant to be offensive to the people concerned. Every body gets taunted and picked on but its a form of affection though if you're an outsider you'd be appalled and some things could get people locked up. So if you ARE an outsider say "black" or "gay" then you'd feel offended at the homophobia or racism but its not "meant" that way, but that's how they are.
Only when the minorities actually start appearing in larger Numbers will this change. I wonder when that will be? I often say Lincolnshire is the Land time forgot.
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Good chance of Aurora tomorrow
Monday, 17 November 2014
Anyone else been snared by Amazon?
anyone else been snared by Amazon? I mean bought something without realising it until it arrives? I have. I protest i did not knowingly order it. I have no idea how it happened. Yes we use Amazon to buy things especially this time of year. Its easy but something went wrong. It is definitely too easy. They have you logged in and track your browsing hence the popups inviting you to buy.
OneClick is my Nemesis. Seems even if you disable it on PC/LAPTOP you can't disable it on Kindle. I was browsing on my wife`s
Kindle and bought something . Honest i didn't - fat fingers. That OneClick is too close to the AddtoBasket/buy button. DOH!
Watch your email because once they've Despatched you can't cancel. So not like me and see the "despatched " email - too late. It arrives and you've to send it back, less postage.
Be Warned.
I've now removed my credit card details so if i can't pay - no buy.
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Why Bother Having Children?
Why do so many parents have children then as soon as they can shove them in a Nursery. then they go to school till their 18 then hopefully start work/leave home? Where are the family values etc of raising a family?
I despair.
To me this is the root of ALL society's problems now. We have no Family unit, we don't "care" for each other. We are isolated, just me, me, me. Parents spend all their time on iPADs or phones, I know a teacher who had to ask a parent at parent's evening to "stop using the phone" (she was texting) while he was talking about her daughter.She gave him mouth full of abuse and left.
Money isn't everything, I know its important and essential to a good healthy life but what's wrong with prioritising your Children first? We did. Sacrifice when they're young and teach them your values etc. the benefits will come later.
Look at this letter written to BBC news , highlighted by MHMT
My children did attend childcare when they were pre school age - for up to 2 days a week which they loved but those hours were more than enough and they were exhausted after those days!
As they have got older and attended school I have been very fortunate to be able to work fairly flexibly and have my mum nearby to do school pick ups if I can't.
As my children have got older they need me more rather than less and I tend to come home from work earlier than I did when they were younger. If my job had not been so flexible and I had felt that it was impacting on my children I would have given it up. Money would have been tight but we would have managed.
I certainly would not ever consider more childcare regardless of how cheap or expensive it might be. My children need me.
I spend my days at work trying to pick up the pieces for children from chaotic broken homes and also from middle class homes where children never see their parents apart from the weekends!
Saturday, 8 November 2014
BBC losing sight of its responsibilities?
Last week as laudable as it was and professionally produced, good BBC drama, "Passing Bells" about WW 1 was NOT suitable viewing for 7pm. Young children could be watching. Also the 6pm news has featured a lot about the Ebola crisis and Syria, showing some distressing scenes, even bodies, definitely NOT suitable for young children. The BBC should be more responsible. Why is there no protests, is it just me?
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Living Wage increase good
When folk on benefits can get over £25000 it doesn't seen fair.
To me simple answer - TAX ALL BENEFITS
This way we're all equal. Those on low wages get benefits and pay tax why not those just on benefits? Only exception should be those benefits that are for disability. then when they go back to work they can't claim that "its not worth it" - after deductions they're worse off.
I'd also ensure that unused Tax allowances can be rolled up say over three years so that when they do go back to work they can pay less tax if they're on low wages. Some Tax allowances are rolled up over several years like Capital gains tax on properties so why not personal allowances?
Only thing is David sCameron - where is the promised Married Person's allowance?
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Out of Afghanistan but terror reigns
Hoorah for getting our troops out but have we defeated terrism? NO.
The Afghan peasants still grow poppies for us to get heroin. all the misery, crime and death it wreaks here everyday. What are we doing? Not much.
We should have spent that £35b on fighting drugs. Pay the Afghan peasants to grow cabbages instead, anything to stop the drugs.
How it many people die every week from drug related causes? 28. This equates to a 7/7 style attack every 2 weeks. If so think about the reaction to that. no expense spared to catch the terrorists but as they are spread out there is little action. But how can i say it Drug dealers are terrorists by proxy. Think of all the crime that is drug related not to mention lives blighted by it.Why do the Taliban let people grow poppies and make opium then send it here? They are just surely poisoning our society from within.
Why aren't we fighting this Terrorism lie we put troops in Afghanistan ?
Monday, 3 November 2014
Shame - Scott out. Hoorah for Zoe
Zoe scores 10
Claudia - 1
Scott is out, why did Miss Piggy win? - she hid her feet under a flowing white dress and "smoke" so how did the Judges know she was dancing - she wasn't.
Scot DID dance - not very good but better than her.
Shame, why are they so predudiced - I was warming to Scott, he tries.
Ann Maguire killed by psycho pupil.
I know things can never be totally predicted but surly to bring into school a big carving knife is totally reckless - yes the school must stop this - use scanners if necessary - a teacher's life is priceless for a little inconvenience.
Looking at what was put on Facebook etc. I can't believe there were no signs of his mental state and they should have dealt with it.
Maybe a big court case could save future lives?