Thursday, 24 November 2016

Why are the Tories alienating the Grey voters?

Interest rates are a joke to over 55s. My bank just told me its reducing its rates to a wonderful 0.01%!! Really? That actually means 10p a year for every £1000 I have saved. Seriously if Pensioners cannot get anything on their savings yes they'll spend it but not on stuff to help the economy just on living, food, heating etc. Then when its gone they'll expect handouts to live hence its self defeating of the Government. They'll not forgive them.
Nice to hear that they've set up a wonderful 2.2% Bond with NS&I, but you can only put £3k in it that's a wonderful income of £66 per year. What will i get for that, maybe 6 bottles of cheap wine. Ridiculous.

I'd be better buying premium bonds. If my £1000 gets just one £25 prize a year I'm in front.

Don't HMG get it they should be using pensioners savings to invest in the economy and generating growth. If they offered a decent rate say 5% then pensioners would invest in Government bonds.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Struggling with Meraki MDM and Apple Configurator?

What they don't explain in the manuals took me a while to figure out so I hope this helps.

Setting up Meraki to use DEP and MDM
1 Setup DEP in Meraki
Linking Systems Manager to Apple DEP
In order to use the Apple DEP with Systems Manager, a Systems Manager deployment must be linked to an organization within DEP. These steps assume an Apple ID for the organization has already been created, as outlined in the Device Enrollment Program Guide.
In Dashboard, navigate to Organization > Configure > MDM, then scroll down to the Apple Device Enrollment Program section.
Download the Meraki_Apple_DEP_cert.pem file provided.
Apple bit
In another browser window, go to and sign in with the Apple ID tied to the desired organization.
Navigate to Device Enrollment Program > Manage Servers.
Click Add MDM Server.
Enter a Name for the MDM server in DEP, then click Next.
Click Choose File... and upload the public key downloaded in step 2, then click Next.
Download the server token provided, then click Done.
This is a “smime.p7m” file.
Back in Dashboard, click on the Choose File button in step 3.
Select/upload the server token downloaded in step 8.
Choose the default Systems Manager network where devices tied to this MDM server in DEP will be enrolled.
Click Save Changes.

Setup Apple Configurator 2 for your Meraki MDM Server, (Manual enrolment)

Get the URL for the Meraki MDM Server

In yor Meraki Dashboard go to Systems Manager > MDM > Add Devices > iOS > Apple Configurator > Enrollment URL (AC2+)
What you actually need is the bit on the screen that says

Apple Configurator
Another option for installing the management profile on a large number of devices is the Apple Configurator. Below is a link to the management profile for your network. Download and import the profile into the Apple Configurator to enroll devices.

Management profile  meraki_sm_mdm.mobileconfig
With Apple Configurator 1.5+ you have the option to provide an MDM URL which the device must use to enroll during device setup.

Copy and paste this into a TXT file (I did any way so I could put it on my MAC)

Then in the Apple Configurator 2 You can setup your MDM Server.

Follow the instructions at the “Apple Configurator 2 - Manual Enrollment” Section.

On the MAC you need to go to, Apple Configurator 2PreferencesServers Tab . Click “+” to Add a server, Next > Enter Your Name (call it what you want “Meraki MDM Server” is what I used), then in Hostname or URL: copy and paste in the Enrollment URL from the TXT document on your Stick. As per above.

Now you can set up in Apple Configurator 2 your devices. First you have to create the Profiles and Blueprints that you are going to use, but this is another story.

Friday, 18 November 2016

BBC licence fee should be optional?

The BBC licence fee is essentially an entertainment"Poll tax". Even Gary Lineker thinks that we shouldn't have to pay it.
If they privatised it then people could pay if they want to watch stuff like Eastenders. There should still be some public service broadcasting like the Proms and the news, but this can be paid by taxation.
Tory MP Andrew Bridger is against it too.