Thursday 13 August 2009

No to Fluoride - again

Here we go again.
Yorkshire water are now considering adding Fluoride to the water. Calderdale residents don't want it but they are going to have it because i f Bradford etc want it then YW put it in the supply which also supplies Calderdale.
How's that for democracy?
We must get this "Mass Medicaction " idea stopped!
What next?
It seems Tamiflu is a panacae to Swine Flu - whether you need it or not?
I wonder - who's idea is it? The Government or maybe the Drug Company? Would they perhaps be making an absolute fortune producing the drug for every citizen in the country? I wonder who in Government came up with that idea and I don't suppose they would get anything out of it? Not even a teeny bit of help somewhere along the line?
So why not just put it in the water and have done with it.