Wednesday 27 January 2010

Mablethorpe beyond Hope - can it be saved?

Sorry - I don't think you can. It would be cheaper to relocate all the families under 50years old to somewhere else.
Just look where Mablethorpe is? Only Sellafield is worse, cos it hasn't got a decent beach! But they do have the Nuclear plant which employs 10000 and brings in loads of money. That is what could save Mablethorpe, if you could put something FANTASTIC there (on top of it!). Disney type world, or a 2 mile wide Eco Dome, that floats on stilts so when sea level rises it will be there. No point in spending on Sea Defences. Something BIG very BIG to bring Visitors in. Then the surroundings would get an upgrade with Houses, shops, roads, railways etc. etc. Otherwise its just not going to happen. Its stuck in 1960. For 20+miles around there is nothing. SO that's why no one wants to come.
Sorry Mablethorpe.

Monday 18 January 2010

Marriage IS the British Way

Monty says Hear Hear to David's (Cameron's) proposal to Help Married Couples. Why not? Gordon and Co can't support this because it doesn't support the "disadvantaged" it supports one particular group! Why not favour Married Couples. We've got it in our Heritage. We still have Laws to protect the Honest against the dishonest don't we (well almost). Anyway it is proven by various studies that people who are Married are happier, live longer and raise Happy Healthier more successful children etc. Isn't this just what Society wants? Yes its Social Engineering but what sort of Society do we want? If you look at all the miserable disadvantaged dishonest drug-abuser people and a substantial number are NOT Married in stable relationships. What does it cost to support these folks' "Freedom of Choice" - free to ruin theirs and others lives etc.?
Lets say NO.
Free to do what they want, within reason YES, but lets not bend over backwards to support them?
Finally - I could go on and on, Legally Married People have more rights than co-habiting Couples, again YES. After all Marriage IS a contract - if you want the Rights of Marriage - GET MARRIED, and stick with it.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Saving energy

Hi - someone has suggested turning streetlights off at Midnight to save energy. I agree to a point. Why should we waste all that precious energy and burn up the planet generating electricity for no one. We're nearly all in bed! SO turn them off? Well we could start by turning every other one off at Midnight - back on at 6am? Except at strategic points - busy road junctions etc. High Street? We could put sensors on them - we have them on our security lamps. Then when someone walks down the street it switches them on?
Ther's lots of ideas. If they're off in remote areas and you need light you can register with your Council and send a coded text to turn them on if you want to go out and walk the dog at 2am?
We NEED to save energy - we waste loads - ALL of us.
Ideas please.
Ps Less energy used saves money, we pay the bill through our council Tax.