Saturday 18 December 2010

Lorries block the roads in the snow.

All these "jack knifed" lorries. I'm sure I saw on "Tomorrows World" years ago a device to stop lorries "Jack knifing" apparently they don't use it? What about making it the LAW they use these devices. Wouldn't that save all the frustration and lost time on the roads.

What about fining the firms owning these lorries that block the roads? The chaos they cause. They'd soon do something about it then. Perhaps the rest of us could get on with our lives - think of the millions saved.
Think about it David (Cameron) another source of income for your beleaguered Government.

May be you could give the money to the Councils to spend on more snow ploughs and gritters.

Monday 13 December 2010

Superfast Broadband

Sutton on Sea is in the top 10

Come on my neighbours get voting

We want faster than 256kbps

Yes that's the speed some of us in SOS can expect from BT on their Total Broadband, criminal isn't it.

Advertised at "upto 20mbs" yet all you get is 256kbps

Tuesday 7 December 2010

The Gas Man cometh

What a day, remember Flanders and Swann? I do.

Gas went off 10ish - freezing temperatures, just what you need. Anyway 'cos we have a woodburner (gone out) we had to evacuate to a neighbours. THey all have no gas too.
About 2pm back on - no guarantees though.
This is a first - never hadd the Gas off before. Water, Electricity but never Gas.

Monday 6 December 2010

Freezing Weather - Monty's Tip

Monty's Tip of the day - in this freezing weather - if you have a Condensing Boiler make sure the condesate pipe is insulated outside. Don't let it freeze.