Thursday 29 September 2011

Euro Debt and Banking Crisis

It seems every country is in debt and owes Billions. So who is lending out the money that they are borrowing to fund it?
If Greece can't pay its debts then the Countries that buy them out should "OWN" Greece.
If a company goes bust and someone buys it out they own it - so same for Greece.

Just think if we bought them we could go to Greece for Holidays just like going to Cornwall but warmer, drier and more historic. No passports or Euros just pay in Pounds etc.

Monday 19 September 2011

Downtown Abbey

Watched the new DownTown Abbey

Funniest program since Acorn Antiques!
Just watching for Victoria Wood to pop up, or is she already the Cook, Mrs Patmore.
The Countess of Grantham is Mrs Overall (Julie Walters).
She has some great one-liners eh?
The Earl of Grantham is Groucho Marx (isn't he with out the moustache), he must get funnier though.
The Butler is Chico Marx and Harpo is Lady Rosamund.
I must say the sets are definitely better built.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Gay Marriage

Ok - they can have Civil Partnerships, why not call it Marriage.
What legal rights would Marriage have over and above a "Civil Partnership"?
Marriage in church? - well yes why not but at the Vicar's discretion - same as always - up to him.
Why shouldn't 2 people commit to each other?
What about "living together"? plenty of couples say I don't want to get married. Fine. but don't expect the same rights as married couples.

Now Dave, where is your commitment to support Marriage? Lets have some POSITIVE discrimination form you, for a change. Why not say Marriage is preferred. Other countries favour married couples.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Strike for Job Cuts?

The Unions are flexing their muscles for a fight. I hope common sense prevails. We all need to pull together to get out of this mess not be selfish and demand our share by having muscle.
I agree the mess was not caused by the people in the Public sector, most earn less than 25k but have all contributed to the Banker and their Bonkers Bonuses. That's not right. But striking is not right either.
Dave must make sure we understand what went wrong and why. Which chancellor took millions out of the Pension Funds to fritter away on pointless Government spending? Which Chancellor took money from the poor and gave it to the Rich when he abolished the 10p rate of tax and cut the standard rate? Come on tell us Ed?

Thursday 8 September 2011

No charging points for Electric Cars?

If I had money I'd set up a network of "charging Car Parks" in Cities. Bays with Charging points so commuters could have their cars Charging while they worked.

Better still I'd install the Wireless system. No messing about with Cables thet are dangling to be tripped over (Health n Safety will ban 'em) - no cables to be Vandalised etc.
Just park your car in the "Electric Bay" and hey presto its charging.
How is it done? Simple
Look at this site. Its bound to come. Just don't know why its not happening.

Just wonder what the Government will do when we all switch to electric and then there's no Tax revenue from Petrol sales?

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Child Care too much?

OK - some people are in a quandary but most have a choice. If you can't afford the kids DON'T HAVE them! Simples!

When we had children we chose for one of us to stay at home until they were old enough. Yes it hurt but the joy of raising 2 children is priceless.

What the government could do is allow Married couples to share their Tax codes so the one working get s all the allowances. When I think of the Thousands of pounds we could have made up if we could have done that. Mr Cameron says he wants to "Mend Broken Britain" this is where is starts. FAMILIES. Help them stay together and live in a loving stable relationship with 2 parents. Don't make if Financially better to be a single Mum.

Some people do have kids for the income.

Finally - David - if we're not careful we'll end up with proles having all the kids and outnumbering the Ruling Classes. What will you do then - retreat to your Gated Estates?