Tuesday 17 May 2016

BBC cutting again?

Here we go more cuts from the BBC, this time to their on-line web site.

Yet no cuts in the licence fee? We still are going to have to pay this entertainment tax for another 11 years. Why not save all the money and privatise the WHOLE BBC?

Let them find the money commercially and stop bashing the poor households. £3.5 billion pounds a year, that £35billion over 10 years for Eastenders, Strictly and Top Gear - why not let us put it to the NHS, I know where I'd like to put it.

Not to the unelected fat bureaucrats that sponge off the BBC for so-called managing it.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

BBC raking more in

So too right those who watch TV online have to have a TV Licence soon like the rest of us. BUT, why a tax on entertainment in the 21st Century? Privatise the BBC and abolish the Licence I say. Where does SKY get its money from?

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Trump bans Muslims?

Surely this is pathetic? Banning on grounds of belief? Belief is not terrorism, yes you might not share their beliefs but it is not a race issue. So are all British Muslims banned, what about Muslims already in USA?  Remember what Hitler and the Nazis did to Jews?

Sunday 8 May 2016

BBC relocation farce

Again evidence of massive incompetence in the BBC.  Moving staff a short distance and reward them. This is taxpayers money!  About time we privatise d the BBC and ended this waste and "entertainment" tax.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Pestered to upgrade to Windows 10?

http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/windows/how-stay-on-windows-7-8-forever-3614204/ are you being pestered by Microsoft to upgrade to Windows 10? Here's how to stop it.
Ill upgrade when I'm ready.
Now Microsoft have made the update essential not optional.

Now here the sting Microsoft's going to charge you £130 on July 29th for you FREE Windows 10!

Inappropriate - a Sex War?

This current trend of ladies to accuse men of inappropriate behaviour at levels up to including rape has to me a sinister undercurrent. Yes some behaviour is definitely wrong and the men need to be punished. Not by social media but in a court. 
Let's be honest we are social animals have hormones drives and behaviours. This has evolved over thousands of years. Social media has only been around in a blink. Things will change. Meanwhile we are in dangerous women alienating all men as ergo they are all potential rapists? and a danger to women! This is patently rubbish but a real danger. These women need to act immediately to bat back the sex pests, or report them. Not waiting decades. Also with historical child abuse what purpose is served by endlessly chasing dead personalities?  Yes it was wrong and it did happen but everyone's perspective changes over time and things may not be actually real.