Monday, 13 May 2013

Where is Jeremy Clarkson?

Where is JC when you want him?

Now I've not much time for JC - he enjoys upsetting people too much and being a Yorkshire man (like me) he gives us a poor reputation. WE aren't all loud mouthed bigots - any way to the point.

Today I am ANGRY - why you ask?

Surface Dressing! It is the season of chipped paint and cracked windscreens.

What annoys me is the stupid other drivers with no brains. The signs say 20 mph!! Why do you think ? because the loose chippings fly everywhere and crack windscreens and chip paint. So the numpties ignore them and because you are good and go slow they fly by spraying you in stones.

So, no explanation except they are brainless and/or driving a company car and don't care.

They should be (to quote Jeremy) SHOT!

Some blame lies on the Highways - we all hate pot holes and they are trying - since the Surface Dressing does help to maintain roads, but they should not do it on "A" roads. They don't do it on Motorways do they and I've seen some horrendous potholes on Motorways.

Also they don't take the signs away weeks after its done, so the can't blame the dim-wits for speeding. If the blatantly it was done weeks ago what's the point. Anyway where are the police to catch these anti-social careless drivers. I don't think we have Highway Patrols any more anyway.

Rant over - now I feel better.

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