Sunday 21 February 2010

Edlington Atrocity - rid us of the wasters.

Now, I can solve the problems of our Society! Yes - don't belive me? Well David Cameron was accused of "Social Engineering" but what do we want? Society is being engineered all the time. We call ourselves civilised when we reward the feckless, do nothing layabout, drug addicts of our society then complain when their spawn commit horrendous atrocities. Why do they do it? Try asking them - they don't know. It was "a lark", a bit of fun, to them they don't know better.
Yes we have a Broken Society and because its a minority the Law Makers, Politicians ignore it, dismiss it as "an isolated incident" but where is it leading?
We are creating an "underclass" that is going to make society rotten from the core.
Nice people will retreat and put fences around their nice houses, with gates to keep the undesirables out.
What should, could we do? I have the answer EDUCATION.
Damn the cost, (after all what is the cost of these folks in Benefits just so they can breed, thieve, take drugs and generally spoil it for the rest) we should take them aside and educate them. These folk have no hope, nothing to look forward to. We need to take them out of their environment and show them another way. Don't get me wrong, this is NOT a quick fix, it will take more like 10 years minimum. These kids need to be changed and then they'll start bringing up families that will change society.
Is this Pie in the Sky - no, I have evidence and experience of working with special needs and disruptive pupils to back this up. There is always a way of getting through to these kids and then you can set them off with a purpose.
The reason these kids are no hopers is because they have nothing to lose, they have NOTHING, nothing to look forward to. That is what is wrong.
Any one like to give me a chance?

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