Wednesday 24 March 2010

The Budget March 2010

Well as expected the Budget of a Government in its Death throes. WHo said "You can fool some of the people all of the time, or All of the people some of the time, but never All of the People All of the time?" - Well Labour have almost Managed it "all of the people All of the time!!". I bet despite their appalling record and bankrupting Britain in their 13 years they may well Win! You see they are fooling us just long enough to win the election.
Unfortunately its worse than people dare imagine so they are pretending its Ok till the election is over. Then the pain will start. Some People remember the 70's. This is going to be worse.
Remember Brown raided the Pension funds, that's why their in such a bad state now. He squandered the Oil bonanza instead of putting it away for a rainy day. Then he gave away tax to "the rich" YES the Rich by removing the 10p rate at the poorest's expense so those on 30k plus could have a £300 bonus and a 2p reduction in Tax. This IS a LABOUR Government - unbelievable. Anyway I just hope enough Folk can drag themselves away from Reality TV to Vote TORY!
Best of luck.

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