Monday 23 August 2010

Justice? PCSO jailed for accident.

So a PCSO is jailed for 2 years because a girl in his car drowned when he misjudged a river crossing. 2 Landrovers got across safely. I know we play the game of Consequences, how many times have we escaped tragedy on the road by a whisker?
I can't help think how sad this case is. Where was the man's crime. We let asylum seekers break the rules of the road, no licence no insurance, they shouldn't even be here yet they go on driving until someone is killed - then what do they get 10years in Jail? - no we won't even deport them because its "against their Human Rights" - didn't they waive that right when they flagrantly drove against all our laws.
This man misjudged and now he will pay for it for the rest of his life. Have a heart Judge.

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