Wednesday 20 July 2011

Government Promises are hollow

So the government (Chancellor Osborne) promised in his Emergency Budget Public sector workers earning less than £21000 would get a £250 increase.
Not if you're a Local Government worker. The Local Government Association on behalf of the Authorities have said no increase. The Employers said "The Government’s pay policy does not apply to Local Government and our view is that such an increase would be unaffordable in the current climate."
So thousands of workers have to do without £250 (which would be taxed), whilst Bankers who got us in this mess and have been bailed out by all Taxpayers - including those earning less than £21000 - can continue to pay themselves telephone number salaries and thousands of pounds in bonuses using OUR money!
Unbelievable, yet I do believe it because the little folk don't matter.

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