Thursday 26 January 2012

Benefits - To Cap or Not?

No doubt there are some Benefits claimants who do not deserve their inflated claims. However is it fair to cap them regardless?

If you work can you get more money because of your Circumstances? don't be silly.

If you can't afford something you do without, or borrow, but then you have to afford the repayments - your choice.
SO why should "we" yes we the Tax payers, pay out more and more depending on the Claimants circumstances - big house, high rent 27 kids etc assuming that the person is not disabled/ill etc.?

There has to be a limit, because "WE" can't afford it. There is only so much money and the Bankers have robbed us of most of it.

Bear in mind that benefits are tax free so you must Gross up what they get by around a third to make it what you or I would have to earn before deductions to get that figure, also remember - no expenses, no cost of travelling to WORK. No time spent away from your house/family earning your money. Just sit back and it comes to you.

One exception - if you are working you pay National Insurance (I have for over 30 years) and haven't claimed anything for over 20years. So if I lost my job - no income - I would like to Claim on my Insurance (NI). So i would expect something back for all those premiums I had paid so at least for a while (say a year) I would expect my Benefits to relate to my earnings - say two thirds.

Finally - make Benefits Taxable. OK, if its less than your Tax allowance you pay no tax - no problem but those on vast sums have to pay tax - its only fair.

What do you say Cameron/Osborne?

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