Tuesday 14 May 2013

Would people be this stupid?

Look this is blatant SPAM - Phishing for your details. 

It is NOT TalkTalk - do not send the details to his address, if you get a mail like this. Some people may reply there are some gullible enough) Sad.

All Talktalk.tiscali.co.uk Account Notification

This message is from
Talktalk.tiscali.co.uk messaging center to all account owners. We are
removing access to all our mail clients. Your email account will be
upgraded to a new version of mailbox disk quota 25 MB to mailbox disk
quota 500 MB web mail interface provided by web mail center team to
stop receiving spam massages from scammers all over the world.

Effective from the moment this email has been received and Response
received from you. Our web mail team will discontinue the use of your
mail account and our web mail Lite interfaces. To ensure your e-mail
address book is saved in our database. Please click the reply button
and enter your web mail,

Username here: (  )
Password here: (  )
code: ( )

And send it back to us, which will enable us to transfer
your contacts to our new Web mail database. All e-mails will be safe in
this transition! All your old mail will still be there and you will
have new unread messages waiting for you. We are confident that you
will like the new and improved web mail interface. Failure to comply
with this notice immediately will remove your access from our web mail

Thank you for using our Talktalk.tiscali.co.ukt web mail.

Yours Sincerely,
All Talktalk.tiscali.co.uk Web-Mail Services

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