Monday, 31 March 2014
The Rape of Savers
Yet here we are as poor as ever and Bankers still get Million pound bonuses courtesy of you and me.
In 2005 I thought I was at that time of life to pay my mortgage off and live with a nice nest egg earning some interest. Not any more. We've not had a payrise for 5 years and nil interest has decimated our ideas. Wish I'd kept the mortgage and spent it. Now we've spent it anyway - no point saving.
What should happen is the Government should help out savers and increase savings rates then they can spend that money and reduce taxes etc. That's how it used to be. We all know to borrow to the hilt got us in this mess but its getting worse.
I despair.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
beautiful creatures
different . that sums it up. WaTchable. Twilight meets Romeo and Juliet in the deep south.
Friday, 28 March 2014
Electric Excess
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Now poisoning our water - Fluoride
Fluoride in the Water. That old chestnut.
Arrrgh! Mass Medication - where will the Nanny State end? What can we do when our WATER is polluted? Let me dig out my information on why Fluoride in water is harmful to health.
I thought with all the cutbacks it had died a death, but this seems to say its back on again?
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
It IS A fiasco
If you wonder why people don't take up ISA's then its because
- Interest rates are pathetic Interest on £5k or interest on £15 ? well 3 x 0 = 0
- Banks con you - attractive rate for first year then plummets to nothing - do they tell you - well in the small print but hope by next year you've forgaotten
- Banks con you - various restirictions - can't move from one ISA to another, no transfers in, penalties for withrawals etc.
- Ordinary Peopl e are poor - they need their money to live.
- If you've more than£15k put it somewhere else
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
End of the TV Licence?
Making not paying your TV Licence a non-criminal offence is a start. Then we just won't be locking up TV dodgers. Why do we all have to pay it?
£32 BILLION the BBC gets from us for TV and Radio - now THAT's CRIMINAL!
I wonder what SKY's turnover/income is? bet they PAY tax too!
Yes Simon Heffer in the Daily Mail has it almost right - let the BBC become subscription (pay per channel) with one or 2 free Public information /news services and a radio channel.
Monday, 24 March 2014
Electric Mayhem
Charging points are so and few between the Electric Car will only be useful for short distance commuters, and those that do venture out afar have to take numerous cables because there is no standard. What we all need is the "Magnetic Induction" charging system. They use it in Europe and also on Milton Keynes for Electric buses.
Its ridiculous that in this wealthy country we have developed this system. It will be seen as ridiculous in years to come. 2054 "oh and in 2014 they actually had to connect their cars with a cable to charge them, What a ridiculous idea and the Health and safety implications eh! Ha Ha ha!" Just like now when last century we had Gas lamps.The technology can be put under parking bays anywhere or even on the open road. Imagine stopping at the lights and getting charged up! Of course it wouldn't be free but to get a charge you maybe had some sort of metering like using a sat nav.
See this - Last year, South Korea switched on a 12km (7.5-mile) road which can recharge electric vehicles as they drive over it, without the need for vehicles to stop at all. Two public buses are using the Online Electric Vehicle system, or OLEV, in the South Korean city of Gumi.
Friday, 21 March 2014
Austerity - How low can we go
How low can we go - do you need/want your local council services?
My council is considering cutting cleaners.
Taking all waste bins out of offices and putting them in corridors, staff will have to walk out to the corridor to put their banana skins/tea bags whatever in the bin. They'll need less cleaners, less bins to empty and it will be quicker and easier.
Saving money on cleaners. But aren't they the lowest paid? What about waste at the top? Chief officers etc.
This is a rich country but how low can we go to save money so the rich can get richer. Bankers still get their bonuses and who bailed them out a few years ago?
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Free Electricity - this IS the answer to the Fuel Crisis?
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Childcare Fees - pay for your own.
What I think is fairest is that childcare fees should either be Tax deductible upto your personal allowance or the personal allowance should be fully transferable between Married Couples. Thus the no working partner doesn't lose their tax free allowance - the other partner gains the "lost" Tax. That is what bugs me - use it or lose it hence why people want to work. NOT working means effectively there is a job for someone else and the children get the best care at home.
DO these people NOT want their children Why have them if they want to work and put them in care. They then hardly see them. Pick them up feed them and put them to bed. They see more of the carers than their parents.
Its also fair in the sense those who earn more still pay more Tax proportionately.
Monday, 17 March 2014
Malaysian Airlines MH370 jet was Hidden Deliberately?
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Fly tipping
Why? Appalling and unfathomable. In picturesque spot near Bernard Castle. Why put rubbish your car and dump it here? For what was involved could have gone in the bins nearby. Not illegal or disgusting .
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Truma lets us down
Last night Truma let us down . Heating went off.
Lovely weather but nights cold . Had heating on tickover at 2am cold. This morning on investigation seems most probably the 12v transformer has died. 3 yr old sterling europa - last van 8 yr old Elddis no problems. Truma Ultraheat problems.
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Dishonesty meanness
People that know me may consider me mean but i like value for money, a good deal, not stealing . So today at Bowlees Visitor centre the car park was "free" they asked for donations. £2suggested but it was a car park in the national park, toilets, picnic area, walks and a visitor Centre. Some folk parked, looked at the car park charges muttering I'm not paying and walked off! not paying its disgusting . surely they could afford something, £1 is not too much for the facilities. Otherwise its just plain mean if not dishonest. How Will these places survive?
Saturday, 8 March 2014
Django unchained
Typical Tarrantino . Spaghetti Western . just wish he`d decided serious or spoof. In last third i got confused, seemed implausible just wanted Django to escape, revenge and continue as bounty hunter, with hilda, like Shulz. Still good though. Worth watching I say.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
BBC - trying to save money?
Well why not go the whole hog? Privatise the BBC and save every household £145.50 a year PLEASE.
Why should they get £32 billion a year of our money for ENTERTAINMENT?
Entertainment tax - Mr os"Borne Conspiracy" - take note - we want FREEDOM to CHOOSE - TV or not TV.
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Killer elite 2011
How GREEN is green energy, and where does all the CO2 come from
We are all familiar with burning fossil fuels and creating CO2, but I wonder about other things in society that consume energy and generate CO2. Concrete is a good example. Who would think that buildings are responsible for huge amounts of Co2 emissions. Anything made of Concrete is fuelling the Carbon emission to the tune of 1:1.
Every ton of cement produces almost a ton of CO2. That's why the concrete is reckoned to be one of the most polluting industries on earth, responsible for up to 5% of total world greenhouse gas emissions.
Think about wind Turbines – Green Energy creating no Carbon but how did they get built? How was the Turbine fabricated – in a factory, Steel create from iron ore, smelted in huge furnaces fuelled by gas/coke/coal producing CO2, then made into a tower with blades and generator on top.
How did it get there – transported by ship/lorry to the site hundreds of miles away. Then the Foundations for a huge 115 m high monolith, concrete every ton of concrete used in the base created 1ton of CO2 .
Not very Green eh?
Monday, 3 March 2014
About time they Privatised the BBC
Lord Hall has been keen to argue that the BBC provides value for money and in a speech to the Oxford Media Convention last week he said a BBC survey had shown that some viewers would happily pay between £15 and £20 a month, compared to the £12 currently paid.
If it was your local council paying 6 figure sums to staff they'd soon be sacked. How does the BBC get away with it? It has got to stop. I choos NOT to watch SKy. but they don't cost the taxpayer anything. Let the BBC stand in th ecommercial world I say.
They could provide 1 public service TV and radio channel from general taxation. Let every household be £145.50 better off - we need it for our fuel bills.
Saturday, 1 March 2014
Skegness Most Deprived seaside town
I agree with Cllr Byford, there is no Industry in East Lindsey. The biggest developers (by far by money spent) are the Windfarms but where are the jobs?
They bring in contractors to build and maintain them. All, we get (the residents) is the pain and no gain.
People of the UK rise up against these unfair taxes. 15%on your bills to help these conglomerates rake in the millions by building useless windfarms