If you wonder why people don't take up ISA's then its because
- Interest rates are pathetic Interest on £5k or interest on £15 ? well 3 x 0 = 0
- Banks con you - attractive rate for first year then plummets to nothing - do they tell you - well in the small print but hope by next year you've forgaotten
- Banks con you - various restirictions - can't move from one ISA to another, no transfers in, penalties for withrawals etc.
- Ordinary Peopl e are poor - they need their money to live.
- If you've more than£15k put it somewhere else
Bet sCameron and co don't bother!
I could mention similar things about pensions - another day.
This country has been hurt by low interest rates. Saving is the life blood - spend only when you can afford it, borrowing is what got us in this mess. If Osborne upped the savings rates in say National Savings then he'd rake in money which he could use to start the economy moving. That's the way it used to be. If everybody's borroing then where does the money actuyally come from?
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