Monday 23 November 2009

Cumbria Floods

Sincerest condolences to Hazel and family for their loss. Bill was a Hero.
Now Mr Brown bring our troops back from Afganistan to help OUR people!
Rebuild the Bridges and clear up the mess. This IS what out Soldiers are for.
Drug dealers are the real terrorists. Look at all the lives that are destroyed by drugs. What about the South American dealers/countries, what are we doing there to stop them?

Saturday 31 October 2009

Rubbish Light Bulbs

Rubbish Ever Ready Bulbs!! Bought a new bulb for the outside light - has to be a screw one 60w (no energy saver 'cos its a sensor lamp). Anyway fitted one day and now its NOT working. Got 2 new bulbs from Morrisons (same price as the ER bulb) and now its working again.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Wind Turbines to Dominate the Wash

So Centrica has got the green light to expand its windfarm off the Lincolnshire Coast. Great but!
My questions are:- why have we NO facilities to build Wind Turbines in this Country?
We must have the potential to be the biggest wind powered country in Europe so who's benefiting?
What energy goes into building turbines and putting them up in the North Sea? Is there a Net benefit?
If it wasn't for the Government Subsidy (the ROCs) would it be worth while for Centrica?
I would love to put a Turbine in my garden but the planning laws etc are so restrictive. All the NIMBYs don't want Turbines spoiling their views!! but on a domestic scale we have TV aerials, Satellite dishes, Motorways etc. Help please David Cameron - get the Government to make small domestic turbines as acceptable as a Satellite dish.
In the long run we need to use LESS energy. Less flying around, see my blog about Energy Saving Bulbs. If (when) people really can't afford to put Petrol in their cars things will change. We have the technology to build lightweight cars running on Electricity. If we divert the money going into Nuclear technology into alternative sources of power we'll solve the problem.
Look at - yes you can run your car on WATER!

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Why no more Light Bulbs

So those very BAD Tungsten Filament Light bulbs are now BANNED to save the planet!!
Excuse me - what about all the CO2 those Aeroplanes make? not to mention the chemicals destroying the Ozone layer just in the right place. Do we ban them?

So, exactly how much energy does it take to make a "low energy Light bulb" I bet a darn sight more than a conventional Tungsten Filament. Anyway bacause of the chemicals used to make these Energy saving Bulbs you cannot throw them in your Bin when they die! Oh no - they are "Hazardous Waste" and must be disposed of at special disposal points. How many people know this? Should you smash one you have to evacuate and aerate the room for 15mins before cleaning up! Do we want these hazards in our Homes?

Thursday 13 August 2009

No to Fluoride - again

Here we go again.
Yorkshire water are now considering adding Fluoride to the water. Calderdale residents don't want it but they are going to have it because i f Bradford etc want it then YW put it in the supply which also supplies Calderdale.
How's that for democracy?
We must get this "Mass Medicaction " idea stopped!
What next?
It seems Tamiflu is a panacae to Swine Flu - whether you need it or not?
I wonder - who's idea is it? The Government or maybe the Drug Company? Would they perhaps be making an absolute fortune producing the drug for every citizen in the country? I wonder who in Government came up with that idea and I don't suppose they would get anything out of it? Not even a teeny bit of help somewhere along the line?
So why not just put it in the water and have done with it.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

What a Weekend

Gordon Brown gets his just desserts.
However I've injured myself Gardening and the Dishwasher's gone bang!
GB doesn't get it does he. He must realise that people don't like what the Government has done to this country. He leads it, he should take the blame.
I thought Labour stood for the Working man but he's raped our Pension Schemes, took the 10p Tax rate off the poorest to give those on £34 k plus £300 a year more. That's Robin Hood in reverse! Now we've the Lowest interest rates for years but Pensioners can't make anything from their savings yet he takes 20p in the pound off what interest they do get. Prices are still rising. People can't get mortgages even if they could afford the repayments.
Lets have a general election now, time's running out anyway.

Tuesday 19 May 2009


It must be nice to be able to claim £22000 towards your expenses. That's more than most people earn.
Take this example to how it works for ordinary people.
Last year my wife received her Yorkshire BS account statement, interest for the Tax year 2007/8. She'd paid £45 in Tax. So you may say , well she had registered with YBS for GROSS interest. Forms duly signed and taken to the Branch where it was all noted. A year later we find out that they "had errored and not done it". Well we can always claim it back off HMRC as my Wife doesn't earn enough to pay tax.
Contacting HMRC they say "no you can't, well not till next Tax year 08/09!!" WHAT?
SO, we have now put in our claim for our £45 back!. HM Government via the Tax man have had our £45 for over a year now. Of course they need it more than us? To pay all these damn MP's expenses no doubt.
So there you have it. Mr or Mrs Average can't have their Tax back for over a year after it was paid to HMRC. Think of the Millions of folk in this position, and thus the Government has benefit of our money for a year when it should be in our pocket or better in a bank earning us interest. Oh I forgot - us savers only get 2% interest if we're lucky now and if the Bank etc. is as incompetent as YBS then we pay Tax on it as well.

Thursday 30 April 2009

MP's Expenses

I wish politicians would get real!
I mean how many folks like me get their expenses paid by the company, for a 2nd HOUSE? None.
In the real world folk like me (on a 3rd of an MPs salary, and I do have sympathy, I wouldn't want to be an MP) get their expenses for working away from home, don't you?
So why shouldn't they?
Yes - but the same as me!!
I get my Hotel paid and Breakfast, plus a generous Dinner allowance, £9.95 - (WOW what a slap-up meal that buys?). I've just been on a training course and for using my own car the generous allowace is 14p per mile! That hardly pays the petrol let alone the other running costs. Even HMRC says 40p is allowed Tax Free - but I work for the Council so don't want to over do it for the poor Council Tax payers do I? I'll subsidise it on my inflated Council Salary eh? Oh I forgot my Gold Plated Pension didn't I (I will get - when I'm 65 - if I survive - two thirds my Inflated Salary), (by the way I get less than the national average wage).
SO, lets see MPs award themselves exactly what Local Govenment NJC guidelines say is the rate. (I don't think so).
Maybe they'll bring us into line with them?

Sunday 26 April 2009

More Hardship for the Poor thanks to Brown and Darling

Gordon Brown and his Mate Darling are a Merry Band of reverse Robin Hoods, robbing the poor to give to the Rich!
Now in the budget we see where he's getting his money from, you and me.
He gives £200 billion to the Rich Bankers who award themselves bonuses and pensions and now we have to pay for it with higher taxes for the next 10 years. Also in the small print Local councils are expected to find another £500 000 in savings this year! It can't be done.
Local councils are not companies that can "sell " more and work more profitable, they deliver services to local people, do they want less services? because that's what they will get for less but there are more unemployed claiming benefits - explain that one Mssrs Brown and Darling.
I don't know the exact figures but lets say there are 200 councils in England. That equates to total of £100 million Mr Brown has got back of his £200 billion, so he has just got back 0.1% of what he gave to the banks. Whoopee but at what cost to councils - most Council Workers earn less than the average wage so rank as the poorest earners officially on "Poverty Wages". So that's great Mr Brown Labour Primeminister take money off the poorest to pay for your incompetences.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

SOS - Save Our Shoreline

Yes I know times are hard (for Bankers!!) - but what about the Coast?

The Environment agency would rather we all forgot about Coastal Erosion after all who does it affect? Well it affect us that live on the East Coast in Lincolnshire.

The Government can give out Billions to failed Banks who then rush away and fill their pockets rubbing their grubby hands. BUT ITS MY (and your) MONEY!!

Who are they really helping? Why can they not just spare 1 Billion to spend on our Coastal defences? That would see us out! Anyway if the sea does come in there will be less land for the rest of you, less land to share with the immigrants, less land to grow crops - so quality of life will suffer for you all. Food will be even more expensive - despite what you're told about inflation - FOOD IS going UP.

SO look at the DoE web site and make your feelings known.

They will take notice when the Square Mile starts to get a bit soggy!