Tuesday 24 March 2009

SOS - Save Our Shoreline

Yes I know times are hard (for Bankers!!) - but what about the Coast?

The Environment agency would rather we all forgot about Coastal Erosion after all who does it affect? Well it affect us that live on the East Coast in Lincolnshire.

The Government can give out Billions to failed Banks who then rush away and fill their pockets rubbing their grubby hands. BUT ITS MY (and your) MONEY!!

Who are they really helping? Why can they not just spare 1 Billion to spend on our Coastal defences? That would see us out! Anyway if the sea does come in there will be less land for the rest of you, less land to share with the immigrants, less land to grow crops - so quality of life will suffer for you all. Food will be even more expensive - despite what you're told about inflation - FOOD IS going UP.

SO look at the DoE web site and make your feelings known.

They will take notice when the Square Mile starts to get a bit soggy!

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