Sunday 26 April 2009

More Hardship for the Poor thanks to Brown and Darling

Gordon Brown and his Mate Darling are a Merry Band of reverse Robin Hoods, robbing the poor to give to the Rich!
Now in the budget we see where he's getting his money from, you and me.
He gives £200 billion to the Rich Bankers who award themselves bonuses and pensions and now we have to pay for it with higher taxes for the next 10 years. Also in the small print Local councils are expected to find another £500 000 in savings this year! It can't be done.
Local councils are not companies that can "sell " more and work more profitable, they deliver services to local people, do they want less services? because that's what they will get for less but there are more unemployed claiming benefits - explain that one Mssrs Brown and Darling.
I don't know the exact figures but lets say there are 200 councils in England. That equates to total of £100 million Mr Brown has got back of his £200 billion, so he has just got back 0.1% of what he gave to the banks. Whoopee but at what cost to councils - most Council Workers earn less than the average wage so rank as the poorest earners officially on "Poverty Wages". So that's great Mr Brown Labour Primeminister take money off the poorest to pay for your incompetences.

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