Saturday 8 October 2011

Europe impositions

I've been Home Brewing on and off for 30years.

I've done Beer, lager and Wine

I gave up wine because it seemed pointless when there was a plentiful supply of good quality wine at the Supermarket at reasonably comparable prices - this may be changing.

Beer I still do, usually I would say 40pints for about £12, equates to 30p per pint. I enjoy a glass or two at a weekend.

What annoys me is that we are constantly bombarded in the media about how Europe is imposing this or that Law or directive but isn't it funny that beer and wine taxes are actually much cheaper on the Continent but they don't impose those on us do they?

Yet the Human Rights Act is quoted to support Prisoners rights in that they feel they NEED Sky in their cells. I don't understand, this is commercially available. I'm paying for them to be kept at Her Majesty's pleasure. WHy should that include Sky, I don't have Sky!

If they're bored let them read books. You never know they may learn something (always supposing they can read).

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