Thursday 6 October 2011

Quantitative Easing? Bah

Quantitative Easing, so another £75b into the economy. Bet I don't see any of it?
I just don't know how come interest rates are HALF a percent yet Banks charge 7+ percent to lend you money. Can't be bad profit eh, they're just greedy. Don't say they're taking a risk, it goes up if your credit rating goes down. Then there's credit cards a whopping 30% interest on those. No wonder David says pay them off - I'd love to.
So next why can't the Government (us) who own the main banks get them to lend out some of the Billions we've poured into them to save them? If they (we) own them then surely to God they can make them do it? What are they afraid of.
I despair. That's why we've no money the Banks have got it and are getting more by the day.

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