Tuesday 27 December 2011

Government cuts Solar power subsidy


Well I guess its their prerogative NOT to give money away but we do need to build up Solar power.
If your roof gave you all your electricity in the day, you aren't dependent on the Energy companies, maybe this is the reason its been stopped. Someone putting pressure on HMG?
This is the future though, Be self sufficient, use less power. We can't keep on burning the planets resources.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Is £40k enough?


The BBC think £40k is enough to live on? Wish we had that much income!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Parcel Time Again

Hopefully you have got all your orders in and delivered by now for Christmas, I have
What is it about these delivery people, I know they are busy now, busier than ever before but why are they generally so poor at communicating?

They turn up after you've waited in for hours and wait a nanosecond for you to come to the door, or even not turning up at all, leaving a card "saying you're out!" then you have to re-arrange delivery or go and collect it. Q up for 2 hours in the rain for it to be junk! Or some unknown relative who has an oversize card and not put enough postage on it so you have to pay £1.50 for the privilidge of getting their card.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Cohabitees to inherit partners wealth!


What is this rubbish about? I despair. Surely the point of Marriage is that it is a contract. If folk don't want to get married fine. Let them make wills - Seeemples! But without a marriage how does it work?

About time the Government honoured their Pledge to support Marriage not to make it a dirty word.

Come on Mr Cameron IDS has worked hard on this. If you want the economy to recover what better way than encouraging the FAMILY. Even Ed has got married now.

Iain will tell you all about the benefits.

Monday 12 December 2011

Tax Benefits

I really think Benefits should be treated as taxable income.
Why not? If you get below the Tax allowance then you won't have to pay tax. However if you get a job it goes into your income and then you pay tax on it added together.
People working on low incomes say "I'd be better off unemployed" why because the income then is tax free. no incentive to work.

People on Low incomes still pay tax - TO SUPPORT PEOPLE ON BENEFITS. Sometimes those on benefits gets more than those working and paying Tax - NOT FAIR.

I get a mileage allowance for using my car for work. Its not "Expenses" it gets added to my income and I pay Tax and NI on it. It really is hardly worth using my car, I'm subsidising my employer.

One last thing why can't we have an "averaged tax bill" say over 3 years then you can gain in the good years off setting the bad years?

Sunday 4 December 2011

Foil Toothpaste Tubes

Where have the foil Toothpaste tubes gone?

Where are they? Why do we have to have these infuriating plastic tubes? You can't get the last bits out! With a foil one you can keep rolling the end down until you get to the bottom and then squeeze the last bit out. Simples! Are these plastic ones designed to be difficult for old people to squeeze them and impossible to get the last bits out? Thus lets say you still have 10% in the tube when you have to buy a new one - that's a 10% price increase not to mention the waste.

My old science teacher used to say "oil's too valuable to burn!" - meaning there are so many wonderful things that can be created from oil - those magical chain molecules - plastics and drugs. So why burn it in cars and power stations? When its gone its gone!

Bring back foil toothpaste tubes I say - they can still be recycled.

Thursday 1 December 2011

More Pensions Rip-off


£1billion for Youth.

Why don't they put it in Pensions so we don't have to work longer. What's the point of old folk keeping their jobs longer when we could retire and the kids can have our jobs, and at a lower Salary so you may 2 or 3 or more jobs for one of ours.
