Monday 12 December 2011

Tax Benefits

I really think Benefits should be treated as taxable income.
Why not? If you get below the Tax allowance then you won't have to pay tax. However if you get a job it goes into your income and then you pay tax on it added together.
People working on low incomes say "I'd be better off unemployed" why because the income then is tax free. no incentive to work.

People on Low incomes still pay tax - TO SUPPORT PEOPLE ON BENEFITS. Sometimes those on benefits gets more than those working and paying Tax - NOT FAIR.

I get a mileage allowance for using my car for work. Its not "Expenses" it gets added to my income and I pay Tax and NI on it. It really is hardly worth using my car, I'm subsidising my employer.

One last thing why can't we have an "averaged tax bill" say over 3 years then you can gain in the good years off setting the bad years?

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