Sunday 4 December 2011

Foil Toothpaste Tubes

Where have the foil Toothpaste tubes gone?

Where are they? Why do we have to have these infuriating plastic tubes? You can't get the last bits out! With a foil one you can keep rolling the end down until you get to the bottom and then squeeze the last bit out. Simples! Are these plastic ones designed to be difficult for old people to squeeze them and impossible to get the last bits out? Thus lets say you still have 10% in the tube when you have to buy a new one - that's a 10% price increase not to mention the waste.

My old science teacher used to say "oil's too valuable to burn!" - meaning there are so many wonderful things that can be created from oil - those magical chain molecules - plastics and drugs. So why burn it in cars and power stations? When its gone its gone!

Bring back foil toothpaste tubes I say - they can still be recycled.

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