Wednesday 21 March 2012

George and Co do it again - the Budget

Lots to moan about, since when was any Budget Good News?

My point is about the Child Benefit, this time fair enough why give "rich" folk benefits? If you've over £50k coming in you should jolly well be able to afford kids. Some people have kids solely to get more benefit but that's another issue.

Promises - I hate broken promises, doesn't hat make them liars? (George and Dave?).

They promised they'd support Marriage and families by restoring some sort of Married Tax allowance. They would help Families with one earner. E.g. one doesn't work to look after the children (excellent idea better for the upbringing - see IDS). Where is it?

Now Child Benefit - did George not say "where one of the household earns more than £50k they'd take away Child Benefit"? How do they define the "household" - is it Married couples (gay or not), or just sharing a house, how do you prove it. What about where there are more than 2 earners in a Household? Sharing a house etc. etc. If they can define a "Household" for Child Benefit lets define Married Couples and give them a COMBINED Personal Allowance for whoever earns the most (if they want).

Come on George, Dave and Nick - honour your promise.

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