Tuesday 20 March 2012

Mothers to lose £68 a week!

Oh dear here we go again - Save the Children are sticking up for "poor mothers".

Read this from the BBC, Single mothers with 3 children are struggling on their meagre income, thus,

"It's incredibly hard bringing up three kids on £370 a week - losing almost a fifth of that will push many families over the edge."

Sorry if I'm not sympathetic but £370 works out at over £19000 pa and that's CASH! If you earn just over £20k and then have to pay Tax, NI and Pension contributions you end up with about £15k. Now a working person on £20 would expect to be reasonably well off and may have 3 kids. Yet we fund these mothers with kids to tune of nearly half as much again and NOT working! Are we barmy?

This society apparently rewards single mums - have 3 plus kids and no need to work, how else can you net £19? They need their house (rents paid on top) and Council Tax paid no doubt. They can afford all the mod cons, mobile phones (the kids have one each) , broadband, computers (the kids have one each) Sky, wide screen flat TV, Microwave, cooker, washer, dishwasher, carpets curtains, decorating done, gardener to help, etc. etc, Kids go to nursery school so mum can shop/hob nob with friends. Sorry, Supermarket delivers on-line orders. What else?

All this on our Taxes (the working ones). No wonder Dave and George want to tax more not less.

Come on - this is sickening. Its actually worse than the Bankers Bonuses because these people are parasites. This is a real stab in the back for all decent hard working people. At least Bankers do actually "work" for their money. I know its not fair but its true.

All I can say is, if you've lost your job it is not fair. You should get benefits relative to your earnings - to start with, after all what is National Insurance for - insurance, when things go wrong you claim? Not benefits by right forever - just so you can maintain your standard of living - and WHAT living eh!

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