Monday 23 April 2012

NHS online - self diagnosis is a risk?

I heard a piece on the radio about looking illnesses up on the net and getting it all wrong.

Well did you know that actually Doctors do the same thing? 

Ever wondered what the doctor is typing while you're talking to him? I happened to see once when I went to my doctor. He was on a medical site (maybe NHS I don't know) but he was following the prompts and asking me questions based on the screen. SO it led him to a diagnosis.

WHat has happened to doctors using their training etc? Do you trust computers? Well without details he wasn't interested really in my problem. He diagnosed back pain and gave me some mind blowing painkillers. After 2 days I was away with the fairies and had only taken 2 tablets - I was supposed to go up to 3 a day. I stopped.

Anyway food for thought - eh?

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