Monday 9 April 2012

Teachers Strike overpay/pensions

So they want to strike over their pay and pensions. I don't think they'll get much sympathy when the rest of us are having a hard time. They have a job for life, annual rises (yes I know they're on a pay freeze but they still get increments until they are at the top). They get a damn good pension at our expense - still final salary. My mother was a teacher, and was comfortably off on her pension.
However I do think the Government is wrong to impose "area negotiated pay". It improve teachers. So lets say because Cumbria is a poor area, generally wages are lower than average, so pay teachers lower than average? If you do then teachers will go elsewhere, (if they're good). So you get poor teachers or none at all. Now is that good for schools and children?
Teachers on lower salaries will not influence the local economy, Joe Bloggs on a manual wage will not get more 'cos teachers get less will he? Can he apply for a Teachers job, not unless we drop the qualifications.graduates do now
Really what we need is good graduates entering teaching. What do Good graduates do now - NOT teaching!
Its not just about money and Teachers have themselves to blame. The loony left Trotskiists etc. have reduced teaching to nothing more than glorified child minding with Government contrition.

Remember the pillars of the community as it was, the professionals, Doctors, Clergy, Lawyers, and Teachers. No more. No respect for them.
SO it will take Government, Teachers and Parents to demand a "Professional" Teaching profession. Pay them and set them up as professionals with appropriate qualifications and let them do their job. Oh, you'll have to weed out the riff raff.

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