Thursday 28 June 2012

Banks are the Terrorists

Now we have an interest rate rigging scandal.with the Banks.

How bad does it have to get? Since the crash and the Banks' bailout it seems clear that they are the terrorists holding the World to ramsome. They wreak mayhem and destruction and even Governments cower to them.


Banks do nothing but look after money. They make nothing, invent nothing, help no one, what do they do except line their own pockets. How do they get away with it.

If their was a small cartel of companies controlling say the world supply of wheat - there would be Wars about it but Banks have the power to bring down Governments hence the Bank Bailout.

I can't see why when the Government (Us really) own the big 3 banks we are in such a mess. People have no money, prices rise and pensioners get poorer with measly interest rates on their savings whilst Banks get richer.

What a crazy world.

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