Monday 25 June 2012

Benefits Vs Work

So Cameron is at it again. Bashing those claiming benfits. 

Lets start by saying this is no worse that Jimmy Carr's LEGAL tax Avoidance. Claiming Benefits IS Legal. Lying about your circumstances is NOT.

Secondly - I think it should not be possible to be Better Off NOT working than Working!

How long is he to go on about this before they do something?

What I want to see is the Insurance brought back into National Insurance.

If you've been working and paying your taxes for say 6 months minimum and you lose your job then you should be able to claim on your National Insurance - and get Unemployment Benefit linked to your previous wages and time worked, at least for a period then it should drop gradually as you remain unemployed until you reach a collar level.

Those who have NEVER worked (not including disabled and children) should only get a bare minimum to enable them to exist, not enough to allow them to live in  Council Houses and take kids out for meals etc.

Its just wrong when millions on low wages are struggling.

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