Tuesday 18 September 2012

Everybody IN Pensions

So at last everybody is to be IN a Pension. You will have to Opt out if you don't want to be in.

Good idea. The pensions crisis has largely been forgotten in the Economic Crisis but its not gone away and in fact could be both the cause and the solution to both.

What is good - the theory is every one is in a Pension and contributing while they work is actually paying the pension of those retiring. Unfortunately recently its worked the other way - too many retiring and not enough paying in.

Largely the Government's fault. Remember Gordon Brown's raid on Pensions? If the money was in the Funds then they could invest it in business and thus create the jobs and growth we need. But no GB wanted to spend it - now its gone.

To put it right the Government need to address the issues that pension funds are ripping us off (after all they're the same financial folk who run the Banks). They are purely in it to make money, loads of money. The Government needs to ensure money in a pension is fairly invested - minimal and fair charges. If you change jobs you should be able to take your pension with you and not lose out.

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