Thursday 6 September 2012

Planning rules to be relaxed

So HMG think that by relaxing planning laws they'll stimulate building - I think not.

What is wrong is that folk either have no money or daren't buy a house and then it goes DOWN in value.

When I bought my first house in the '80s it was £7500 and cost roughly 3 times my salary. Now even though my salary has risen ten times since then I can't afford today's average hose on 3 times my income and that's where its crazy.

People borrowed well over what they could afford and the Banks/Building Societies were daft enough to lend them because they both thought prices would keep rising. Roughly they have, if you look over the long term - and I mean 10-20 years. It was the fast buck syndrome that did it - buy and sell to make money. WRONG you should buy a house as a long term investment after 25 years its yours!

Will relaxed planning laws help people start buying again - no. In Sutton on Sea there is an estate of new houses being built, well I say being, actually they stopped building 4 years ago. They HAVE planning permission for 200 but no buyers so have stopped. There are 20 houses built and NOT sold. EMPTY 4 years. What a crying shame. 

What DC/GO need to do is either make House realistically priced so folk can afford them again or stimulate the economy so our wages go up to match the prices. Let people borrow again to buy starter homes then you get the chain moving, make the Banks/Building Societies lend money. Or make Councils spend their rainy-day money on houses to rent for the Homeless etc. There's an idea "Council Houses". Now who got rid of all those?

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