Wednesday 22 January 2014

Compulsory Cycle Helmets

I make no apology for being passionate about Cycle Helmets. We have personal experience, and every need to thank them! Please ensure all children wear a helmet.

Thursday 16 January 2014

"Gay" footballer?

Does any one else find the media attention o a "Gay Footballer" offensive?

Why do we need to know what this man's sexual orientation is?

Does anyone want to know what toothpaste I use, or do I pick my nose with my left or right hands?

Surely these things are personal and private and only to be shared with intimate friends etc. What relevance has it to his footballing abilities?

Same with work, what relevance has your sexual orientation to do with how you do your job? It should be totally irrelevant!

Yes I do agree that if anyone is discriminated against due to a factor like their sexual orientation, gender, race, etc. etc. then it IS important.

I don't what it in my FACE on the daily news all day everyday.

Thank you.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Saturday 11 January 2014

Elephants Shot to protect tourists

How dare they shoot these Elephants? Its the tourists to blame NOT th Elephants. THe Elephant have a hard enough time as it is from poachers etc. without being shot for menacing tourists.

Its appalling, the tourists should be warned and if they get hurt its their fault. 

If you went into a lions cage would you b surprised if they attacked you? The Elephants are wild and don't know what cars and tourists are don't blame them.

If anything STOP the tourists, leave the elephants be.

Friday 3 January 2014

weather again

so we're all doomed again . blown, washed , or flooded out. environment agency cutbacks ? maybe instead of sending aid to countries with space missions, we should give aid to the victims of our  own disasters . we can'tprotect everything we just need the money to repair.