Monday 29 September 2014

Tories Freeze Benefits

SO Mr Os born conspiracy, want to squeeze more out of the poorest to cut the deficit - he should be ashamed.

It was the fat Bankers that caused the problems let them pay. We've baled out the banks - I mean you and me to the tune of £1500 per man, woman and child. Can I have my money back now please, George. At the same time he gives money back to the rich, by cutting the top rate of tax.

Surely the fairest way is to put 1p on income tax and then everyone WORKING pays their fair share until we have recovered.

I do agree that Benefits should have a cap - its not a blank cheque and we can't afford it, but not the poorest to suffer. Also limit their rise to 1% that 's what I've just got after 5 years of no rise. Give the Midwives 1% too.

Again why is VAT at 5% charged on Gas and electricity bills? The poorest (on benefits/pensions) have to pay it or do without Mssrs Cameron and Osborne don't worry about their bills 'cos they're rich. The poorest pay the most relative to their income. If you're going to freeze them (literally) then why not take VAT off the first £1000 of bill?

Lastly yes - if everyone could work and not claim benefits then there wouldn't need to be a freeze on benefits. SO get everyone working Mr Osborne. Hitting them when they're down won't work.

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