Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Santander Clause - Register for alerts from your Bank Account - No not Santa Claus

The Santander Clause - register for alerts from your Bank Account - No not Santa Claus. Now the very nice Santander people have offered me to setup alerts to my Mobile or Email  on my account .
I can get a text message if my balance goes over or under a certain amount and a weekly update of balance and transactions. Could be useful and is FREE.

I wonder how many people actually read the terms and conditions, but just tick the box? I do READ them before i tick.

How many folk kn ow about this clause. The Santander Clause!!

Please note - (and I have done this anyway) - PROTECT YOUR PHONE WITH A PIN!

If you don't then Sanatander (and I guess other banks) will have a "get out" clause if anything goes wrong.

You have been warned.

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