Thursday 26 November 2015

Can't bomb an Ideaology

Its no good Cameron thinking we can bomb ISIS to death. You can't bomb an ideaology. The terrorists can't be reasoned with so we've no choice but shoot to kill or they'll kill us, but we must cut off their Oxygen. How do they post on the internet, where do they get weapons, tools, cars and money from? Anyone associated with them must be found and stopped. Block the internet we CAN. They stop paedophiles etc.if say Toyota felt the wrath of Governments and people or ISIS using their cars then they'd soon put pressure on their supply chains to stop dealing with them. The buck stops  here. The message would get across "don't deal with ISIS".
Then we've got educate the Muslims here and elsewhere that mindless violence won't win the war. either give them something worth having at home better than ISIS.

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