Sunday 17 January 2016

Cheap oil - be worried?

Isn't it great I filled my car up at the weekend for 99.7p per liter.

Haven't seen it so low since 2009!

But whilst I like it, globally its not good you know.

Why? because the mega-oil companies will be in trouble and we'll not convert to energy-saving CO2 saving technologies. Only good thing is it isn't worth the Oil companies exploring more for oil/gas.

Live now pay later - you say - yes but what bout your Grandchildren?

Do we want the planet to "burn"?

Why buy an electric car at twice the price of a conventional one, why not get a gas guzzler - you can afford it.

Believe me we'll regret it soon, and the prices will rise. So be sensible, have some fun but don't count on it.

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