Monday 17 July 2017

Ban on veils

so Belgium has had its veil ban upheld as lawful by the EU court of human rights.
I have always wondered why they're not banned here ? You can't go into a bank with a motorcycle helmet on for obvious reasons. In our society we are are all open about our identity and are suspicious of those who hide.

Saturday 15 July 2017

Education is undervalued

Student Loans at 6.1% interest is outrageous. It would be cheaper to get a commercial loan, if you can without an income. (Bank of MumnDad?). anyway, when I went to Uni (40+ yrs ago) we had Grants. Means tested yes, so the poor got the money. Also only the top 20% went to Uni, the elite yes? The point is why does everyone have to go to Uni.? Surely the value of a “Degree” is devalued. The Best Unis – yes they are still the best but there are so many “Degrees” now Employers I’m sure don’t value your “BA” in “Economic prestigitation”. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for Education . the more the better but we need Better schools. So many have now failed and kids are not being educated. Yes, when I went in the ‘60s I was in a class of 48! Sat in rows, one teacher, no support – but we all got educated. The numpties weren’t pandered too they got on with it (with parents support) education was valued. SO many now say “I don’t need to learn that , I can google it, or I’ll get a job at Lidl. My Mam and Dad don’t work so why should I?” and so on. It’s heart breaking. The good, the elite, the rich, they get educated and get the best jobs but we’re failing so many. Yes in my time there were those who actually were abandoned by the system and I wouldn’t want that to happen again.  Now we have Policemen and Nurses have to have a degree – why? I think they should be allowed to study and get degrees but surely we

are losing the bottom end. Would you want to wipe bottoms and clean floors if you had a degree? We are a rich country and we should value education, we should look after the sick and vulnerable but help them not pander to them. Also not expect everyone to go to Uni. Taylor education to the right skills for the right people. Everyone has a place in society and should be valued. Education is NOT a commercial business it should be a right and Teachers should be valued, respected and repositioned as the Elite in Society.