Sunday 5 September 2010

Education needs a kick

So we must have more Academy Schools - maybe.

When I was at school (over 40 years ago) it seemed most children learned to read, write and do sums. At least to a level to function in society when they left school. Now I understand, when it seems everyone goes to University, a third leave school unable to read or write!

So tell me - how do you get into University if you can't read or write? is it luck?

Anyway seems the squeeze is on University. In my day only the elite (excellently capable top 20%) got into University. So maybe we're going back to that situation. At last a Degree will mean something again.

So with the money saved lets educate our children so the majority can read, write and do sums. It will do wonders for society. It can be done in Primary school given the resources. Not playing Special Needs Catch-up in Secondary Schools (that's if the Kids don't play truant or get expelled to become "NEETS"!).

Are you listening Mr Gove?

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