Sunday 12 September 2010

Government Cuts

I know the Government needs to cut expenditure, and that it was not this Government's fault but the previous one who spent Billions propping up the (Private) Banks.
So I ask this
1. if the Banks were bust, where did the Government get the money from to prop them up?
2. having "bought" these Banks, i.e. now you and me own them, why doesn't the Government MAKE them give the money back to US by whatever savings they can make?
How on earth do they let Bankers have million + pound bonuses when poor sick disabled folk are told they will have their Benefits cut. How can these people sleep at night. After all its OUR money that is paying their bonuses. Let them try to live on £100 a a week for a year and see how they like it?It is obscene and while the Government owns these Banks, let them milk them for all they're worth until the economy is straight. Sell them, merge them what ever.

Come on David and Nick - who's in charge?

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