Monday 29 November 2010

Breeding layabouts?

Tory maverick Howard Flight was right and wrong.

We are in danger of creating a 2 tier society, a nightmare scenario where the ruling classes become impotent and sterile. The "breeding classes" will outnumber us soon!
We encourage it.

Howard is wrong when he says the middle classes cannot afford children, I don't think anyone on over £25k thinks of the cost when they have a child its of little consequence in the big scheme of things. I think Howard does not understand quite how much benefits pay the scrounging classes for each child relatively speaking. He should try and live on average benefits.
For the middle and above classes its a lifestyle choice like moving home, a new car, foreign holidays etc. another child?
But he is right to say the system is wrong.
We should not reward non-earning people to have endless children. I say 3 is enough.

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