Wednesday 31 August 2011

Boiler Blues

So the boiler decided to give up!
Just as the weather cools and we start to need it.
Well British Gas will come and fix it tomorrow. Its only 6 years old but I do understand that these Condensing Boilers don't last as long. Save you gas etc. but unlike our old one which was 20+ years old - the gas man said every year - "they don't make em like this any-more", but then couldn't get the parts!

Finally - something educational - GRAPHENE

Anew wonder material - will this change things - paper this Computer screens maybe?

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Bank Holiday

Yep - Bank Holiday on the way and the Weather - predictable as ever is going downhill.
Last weekend was Glorious against predictions so come the Holiday - yes it will rain.
Summers over eh - Bah!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Riots - how do we fix it?

I'll tell you Mr Cameron - EDUCATION!!
I've said it before the underclass aren't educated - not because they're thick.
For more than a generation they have been left to these "do gooders" - given "their Human Rights" - no Discipline!

I mean real DISCIPLINE, not smacking and telling off - that doesn't work. The Parents are as bad, they don' know how to discipline their children. What I mean is good old GOOD Parenting. If they see their parents behaving to a set of moral values then it instills discipline.

You must give your children rules and boundaries. No giving in to the slightest whim. For example, always sitting at table for a meal. Having meals as a Family. Do your homework and then you can watch some TV. Not watch TV all night in your room.

Do you know what games they're playing? We stopped our children from watching DVD's that weren't suitable - "ah, but Harry's parents let him watch xxxxxx!" - well they might but you aren't because its not suitable. 10 year olds shouldn't be watching "18" or "15" movies. Maybe we'd watch something as a family that was borderline (after we'd vetted it) and discuss it. That's education - understanding Family values.

Finally my pet hate - TV can be a bad influence. The Soaps - how do they get away with such awful broadcasting, downright sick storylines etc. before the so-called watershed. Over the years I've seen the deterioration (not that I wacth them all the time - you can't help but see some as they're on all the time) - kids watch them and think that's how "real people" behave so they decide to copy it. Yes - folks - the soaps AREN'T REAL!

Monday 15 August 2011

Riots! I blame the Bankers

Look, no one condones the Rioters. Poverty or a broken home doesn't make you a criminal but look at the cost of the riots and then look at the cost of the Banking Crisis! We've all contributed thousands of pounds to the Bankers whether we like it or not.

In this me me me society we bail out the Bankers and then they rub it in our faces by going on a Riot of awarding themselves million pound bonuses. So is this not legalised pillaging or not? How many families have been raped by these Bankers? So no buildings were damaged and no one got hurt? or did they?

What about those who have lost their jobs, those who have no future? They will not see a million pounds in a lifetime, so how is it justified? What have these Bankers done to earn their crust?

Bonkers I say!

Thursday 11 August 2011

Riots - blame the parents

When most of the rioters are hooligans and thugs we ask why do they do it? Because they don't care about anything except the thrill of the moment. Blinded by computer games and drugs (including alcohol) I bet they are kids that just do as they please. So yes I blame the parents. But then look at the Families. I bet we're talking about the minority that are our "underclass" - the parents with no jobs, single mums with kids to several fathers living on benefits. The kids do as they please to get out of "Mums way". Home is just a Bed and Breakfast Doss.
Its our fault - society. We let these people exist on handouts and have no responsibility. What has happened to Family values? Answer please Mr Cameron. What are you going to do about it? No good cutting benefits it will just make it worse because Society owes it to them they'll just take what they want what have they to lose? May be we shoudl start to re-engineer society, educate these kids - yes even if they don't want to - remove them away and force them. Mus be some uninhabited Scottish islands we could use? Then when they're ready they can choose a life somewhere and respect our Society.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Riots - what to do?

Riots - What to do with the rioters? Bring in the Army - yes bring the lads back - round up the rioters and send THEM to Afghanistan. Lets see if they can make a mess there? They might appreciate living in England?