Wednesday 17 August 2011

Riots - how do we fix it?

I'll tell you Mr Cameron - EDUCATION!!
I've said it before the underclass aren't educated - not because they're thick.
For more than a generation they have been left to these "do gooders" - given "their Human Rights" - no Discipline!

I mean real DISCIPLINE, not smacking and telling off - that doesn't work. The Parents are as bad, they don' know how to discipline their children. What I mean is good old GOOD Parenting. If they see their parents behaving to a set of moral values then it instills discipline.

You must give your children rules and boundaries. No giving in to the slightest whim. For example, always sitting at table for a meal. Having meals as a Family. Do your homework and then you can watch some TV. Not watch TV all night in your room.

Do you know what games they're playing? We stopped our children from watching DVD's that weren't suitable - "ah, but Harry's parents let him watch xxxxxx!" - well they might but you aren't because its not suitable. 10 year olds shouldn't be watching "18" or "15" movies. Maybe we'd watch something as a family that was borderline (after we'd vetted it) and discuss it. That's education - understanding Family values.

Finally my pet hate - TV can be a bad influence. The Soaps - how do they get away with such awful broadcasting, downright sick storylines etc. before the so-called watershed. Over the years I've seen the deterioration (not that I wacth them all the time - you can't help but see some as they're on all the time) - kids watch them and think that's how "real people" behave so they decide to copy it. Yes - folks - the soaps AREN'T REAL!

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