Thursday 11 August 2011

Riots - blame the parents

When most of the rioters are hooligans and thugs we ask why do they do it? Because they don't care about anything except the thrill of the moment. Blinded by computer games and drugs (including alcohol) I bet they are kids that just do as they please. So yes I blame the parents. But then look at the Families. I bet we're talking about the minority that are our "underclass" - the parents with no jobs, single mums with kids to several fathers living on benefits. The kids do as they please to get out of "Mums way". Home is just a Bed and Breakfast Doss.
Its our fault - society. We let these people exist on handouts and have no responsibility. What has happened to Family values? Answer please Mr Cameron. What are you going to do about it? No good cutting benefits it will just make it worse because Society owes it to them they'll just take what they want what have they to lose? May be we shoudl start to re-engineer society, educate these kids - yes even if they don't want to - remove them away and force them. Mus be some uninhabited Scottish islands we could use? Then when they're ready they can choose a life somewhere and respect our Society.

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