Thursday 31 May 2012

Benefits scandal

Good news that Lone parents will have to look for work. I do sympathise with those honest hard working folk who suddenly fall on the situation "bereavement" for example but there are too many using "Kids" as a ticket to a life of Riley!

Maybe this initiative will help? I hope so.

I know of examples where single parent with 3 kids, (2 under 5), council house 3bed semi, colour flat screen TV, DVD Sky, Computers (yes kids have one too)., mobile phones, always buying kids toys, etc, go out for meals regularly (I don't). All this without working and getting benefits from OUR TAXES! Father absent but unemployed "looking" for work? Oldest is looking to  go to Uni but at the moment doesn't spend his "allowance" for attending school.

Gets decorator in, gardener, new fencing, kids go to nursery (free) what does Mum do? Now going to spend £150 on party for one of them! Unbelievable.

Is this right?

Great eh.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Truth – civil service don’t have a pension scheme

Why is the Government so concerned about Public Sector pensions? The truth is because you may not realise that there is no such thing as a Public Sector Pensions Scheme!

Really - yes.

Because  a long time ago the Government (not this one) decided that they would pay Civil Servants (Policemen, @Health workers, Teachers etc.) from the Treasury (yes out taxes). They pay a Pension contribution but basically it is a Tax and goes to the Treasury, not like every body else into a Pension Scheme (a pot that is invested like a savings scheme) and this includes Local Government workers who DO have a Pensions scheme which incidentally is in Surplus at the moment and can meet all its pensioners needs for the next few years.

What the Government thought was that all the Civil Servants would be paying in their contributions and this would exceed what they had to pay out in pensions. It did but now there are i) more pensioners than those paying in, and ii) thanks to Labour who have doubled the number of Public servants, even more pensioners in the future who they've got to pay.

So basically it wasn't even Gordon Brown's fault. Just a gamble a long time ago that has gone wrong.

Solution? Like the Bank Bailout - the Government should immediately setup a REAL pension fund for Public Servants - a one off sacrifice, and then keep all contributions going into it and all pensions paid out of it. Then get the Trustees to manage it.

Of course they will have to ensure that the Bankers (who will look after the money) don't rip us off again but hey do we trust Politicians?

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Fuel Duty to rise 50% - (and more)

Well I said it back in March that when we start driveing Electric cars the Government will want money from somewhere to replace the lost billions from Fuel Duty, so an RAC Foundation commissioned report says.

We may think Electric cars are expensive to buy but now the Tanker Drivers have given us a taste of what its like to have NO fuel at any price what is the alternative? After all we need our tin boxes to get around don't we? ANSWER - get one that doesn't need fuel!!

Yes a GREEN Electric car, OK they only go 100 miles before refuelling but at least we have a plug in the Garage and electricity is Cheap! Soon there will be decent cars with built in little motors to charge the batteries and away you go. GREAT!

WRONG - when the Government loses the Billions in revenue from Fuel what can they do?

ROAD TAX, pay by the mile,  you name it they'll be after you.

I said it in March.

Keep reading my Blogs - Monty makes sense.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Interest Rate Rip Off

Isn't it about time the Government did something to help the honest thrifty people who have propped up this country for years?
I mean the more mature people who were brought up where you "saved up" before you bought anything. Not borrowing to the hilt. We see our savings dwindling now. 2 or 3 percent interest is criminal.
Inflation at 5% means your money is going down. Why save?
We thought we'd save for our future but what future? Surely they should encourage saving because sure as hell there won't be a decent pension! The only borrowing you did was your mortgage and most of us have paid that off now thank God.

We all know who's got the money - the BANKERS.