Sunday 16 December 2012

Immigrants forced to learn English?

So Mr Ed Miliband says that we must force immigrants to learn english, bar them from jobs where their English is deemed too poor and take responsibility for teaching their children English.

Well fine, 

Under the proposals, parents will be required to take responsibility for their foreign-born children learning English at home, and being able to speak English will be made mandatory in a greater number of public sector jobs.

However I do hope that the jobs in question are barred to ALL who cannot meet the standards,  indigenous English people also. Will he also "force" English people to take responsibility for thei r children being sufficientlyeducated to get these jobs?

Perhaps if he looked closely he might identify that there is a 20% underclass of British people who are all but illiterate. What does he propose to do about these before he lavishes more of our money on helping immigrants to get jobs in our country at the expense of us!

To me there can be nothing better than money invested in educating our children, that is the way to bring this country back on its feet, to put the GREAT back in Great Britain.

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