Saturday 15 December 2012

Is GAY marriage wrong?

Look, if the Government wants to legalise Gay marriage I'm all for it.

With less than half people in a marriage promoting marriage can be nothing but good.

Whether it's 2 men/women/man & woman surely a stable, loving relationship  between 2 people is to be applauded?

If they support Gay Marriage then maybe they'll at last give "normal" marriage some kind of support?

Since recently Marriage has been a dirty word, but  does it matter about the sex of the people? 

Marriage should confer a celebration nd some sort of legal status, over and above "just living together".
 Folk want "common law wives" to have status - well why not get married?

There is such a thing as a Will. There are such things as legal contracts  Marrying is a legal status. So Gay Marriage should be the same. There is a Civil Partnership, is this not Marriage but without the title. I despair.

Marriage between a man and a woman has been proven to be the best relationship for bringing up a family. Best for children. Lets outright promote it. Even if the partners are GAY it must be good?
"Till death do us part". Lets honour our vows.

Lets support MARRIAGE!

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