Monday 25 March 2013

Lights out! no GAS?

I agree with the Mail comment about how we may only be days away from GAS rationing.


How did Britain – once a leading energy producer – come to be so reliant on imports from Russian gangsters, an underwater pipeline from Norway and ships bringing liquefied gas thousands of miles from Qatar?

And also

Instead of commissioning replacements for our ageing nuclear power stations, and creating new storage facilities for gas, politicians fixated over building  useless countryside-scarring windmills.
When we got North Sea Gas in the 70's we could have baked it and secured our future energy needs but what diid we do - squabdered it.

WE had the Dash fo GAS and buit Gas Power Staions so we could shut the Coal Fired ones and end the dependency on Caol - good idea but now where's the Gas?

WE MUST build some proper power stions, Nulclear fission or Fusion we can't wait till the lightas go out can we?

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