Tuesday 19 March 2013

Bonkers Government gives more money to the rich

Here we go again this Bonkers Government gives out more money to rich WORKING people

What about the Election pledge to help Married Couples (they may have children as well)?

Also would help Gay people in Civil Partnerships.

Giving money out (MY MONEY) to couples who put their kids in child care is Bonkers

In these times of austerity isn't ONE breadwinner per family enough  One stays at home to look after the children. If you can't afford childcare don't do it!

If Married couples had tax breaks then the one who stays at home would be helped by more income from the one working.

Raising children by their parents is by FAR the best way - statistics and endless studies have proved it. Being in a MARRIAGE is also the best way. There is NO equality for "Living together" - I'm not stopping you but if you want the benefits (not social security) real benefits for you and you r family, not to mention SOCIETY then get married!!


You know it makes sense.

Think of the jobs this would create. All these mums n dads stopping at home, who would do their jobs? Also yes they would have less money, but cut down.

Sky TV is NOT your human right, even though prisoners get it.

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