Thursday 1 August 2013

Free Electricity from British Gas?

Absolutely ridiculous - "Free Elctricity at weekends".

Are we saving the planet or not?

You know what will happen - folk will blast it at the weekend wthout a care. All this energy comes from somewhere. BG hope you'll forget and continue to have the thermostat up in the week. More profit for them.

Yes SUPPLY=DEMAND - laws of Physics. So huge power stations like Drax (Coal fired) and the Nuclear ones have to run 24x7 they can't switch on and off. Its the BASE load. But we go to bed at night and switch off. We all put the kettle on at half time in the World Cup etc. Solar power is only during the day (light), wind power only works when its windy. So what do the suppliers do - they match the peaks and troughs with Gas powered stations that can go on and off quickly but they are expensive and Gas is not so plentiful.

Unless we get Fracking!

It won't work. We need to conserve energy. What next - only allowed to wash at weekends. Only allowed to boil the kettle when its Windy?

What they need to do is sort out the Grid infrastructure so the power can get to where it is needed. Windmills in the Sea need big cables to get the power to the Cities. We must STOP the Constraint payments. Paying the Companies NOT to Generate - that's what its about. They get 3 times as much NOT generating than when they do. If we didn't have the GREEN subsidy on our bills then there's be no Wind Turbines 'cos they don't make economic sense. Then ALL our bills would be cheaper.

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